The information derived from the SAML assertions is to take precedence over that passed as immediate attributes of the control object. 取自SAML断言的信息优先于通过控制对象属性传递的信息。
Using the motto Talk only to immediate friends, the Law of Demeter states that we should avoid invoking methods of an object that was returned by another object's method. 迪米特法则使用只与直接朋友对话这句格言指出:我们应当避免调用由另一个对象方法返回的对象上的方法。
Immediate Children-Selects all the active objects'children but not those of the selected object's parent. 选中该激活物体的所有孩子,但是不包括他们的孩子。
In defence the immediate object is to preserve yourself, but at the same time defence is a means of supplementing attack or preparing to go over to the attack. 防御,是直接为了保存自己的,但同时也是辅助进攻或准备转入进攻的一种手段。
Is it the immediate object of this confidence, that you may at once ascertain that, with my knowledge? 你对我这样倾吐你的心臆,直接的目的是想要我立即加以肯定么?
In its primary and immediate aspect the Teleological relation is external design, and the notion confronts a presupposed object. 直接的目的关系最初只是一种外在的合目的性,在这个阶段里,概念与那假定在先的客体是对立的。
The object of mechanical type is the immediate and undifferentiated object. 机械性的客体就是直接的无差别的客体。
Immediate object on the recycling economy in China 我国发展循环经济的近期目标
In point of the relations between subject and object, phenomenon is the direct aim of cognition activities and the immediate result from the interaction of subject and object. 从主客体关系来看,现象是认识活动的直接对象物,是主客体相互作用的直接产物。
He insists that our experience is immediate and flux, he also inquiry so-called pure experience, and points out that all these, such as matter and consciousness, cognitive object and knower, are belong to pure experience. 他强调经验的变动性和直接性,并着重探讨了纯粹经验,指出物质和意识、认识对象和认识者、客观和主观都属于纯粹经验。